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Solo variant -- Beat the rival

designed by Wretched Git-san

BGG URL: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1089442/solo-variant-beat-rival


Solo variant -- Beat the rival

Beat the rival, or just beat your best score. This variant looks wordy, but it's actually very quick and simple to play.


Use 2-player setup: rival gets 5 guilders, 5 workers, as normal. Rival starts on VP-space 25, not 5. You’re the first player.


On the first round, the rival takes 5 cards at the beginning (3 from the left pile, 2 from the right), and stacks them face down. He’ll play 4 cards in a round, as normal, so there will always be one card remaining in his stack; and on subsequent rounds he’ll draw 2 cards from the left, 2 from the right. (This will change later only if he gets to activate a card that lets him play one from his hand. In that case he’ll draw 5 cards the next round, as normal. The 5th card would then be drawn from the left pile if the first player is you, or from the right pile if it’s him.)


After dice are rolled, you get any required threat markers, but the rival does not. The rival will always move ahead on the reputation track if he can afford it.


On the rival’s turn, flip over his top card. He can take one action per card, as normal. The rival’s priorities are: 1) Canal, 2) Placing the character, 3) Placing a house, if none are empty. Here's the procedure for each card you flip:

ライバルのターンでは、デッキの一番上のカードをめくります。通常どおり、カード1枚につき1アクションを行なってください。ライバルが行うアクションの優先度は、1) 運河、2) 人物を配置、3) 建物が無ければ建物の配置です。カードをめくった際に行う手順の詳細は以下をご覧ください。


If he can legally place and pay for a canal segment, he does so. He prefers length over cheapness. If he can’t do so...


He’ll place the character in an empty house, if he can pay to recruit her.

If a house is available but he can’t pay to recruit, the rival takes guilders equal to the second-highest die, then ends his turn.

If there is no house available, it doesn't matter how much money he has: he will...




Play the card as a house, if he has the worker to pay for it. If he doesn’t, he’ll take 2 workers of that card’s color and end his turn.



At the earliest opportunity, the rival will activate any housed character that actually helps him, if he has the worker to pay for it. He'll only take actions that will gain him something potentially useful. If he gets to use an extra card, follow the decision process above. Use common sense in translating the card effects to this system. For instance, if the rival has placed a character who gives +4 guilders whenever the player uses that color's "take guilders" action, then he gets that bonus whenever he ends up taking money while that color card is the flipped one.


If, through your activated characters, the rival ends up with 3 threat tokens of a given color, he suffers the consequences. (If Fire, flip to see if he loses a house or canal. If the latter, he takes from the shorter canal. If Pest, remove the most useless, least-scoring character. Select randomly if need be.) The rival will use character abilities to get rid of a threat marker, but only if he has 2 of that color.


There is no check for majorities at the end of a round. Majorities are scored only once, at the end of the game. If there is a tie for a majority, the rival wins it.


First player changes at the end of the round, as normal.










