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A simple but meaty solo variant: Between Two Realms

By: Ian Toltz-san

BGG: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1835242/solo-variant

The basic gist is you're simultaneously building up two separate realms, and your score is the lower score of the two. So you need to try and maximize both!


So far my best score after four games is 156. The first couple plays are generally pretty easy as you decide on a strategy for each realm and start working towards it. The decisions get much, much more difficult as the game goes on and your hand size dwindles. I find I generally have to change my strategy throughout the game to handle the unfolding situation.




Shuffle the deck and draw a 7-card hand.


Game structure


Start each round by drawing 2 cards from the deck. Then you must discard one card, and play one card into each of your two realms.


At the end of 7 rounds, score your two realms, and your score is the lower of the two. For example, if your realms scored 191 and 156, your score is 156.

7ラウンド終了時に、2つの領域のスコアを集計します。スコアは低い方のスコアになります。たとえば、1つが191、もう1つが156だったら、スコアは156 になります。



You can scale this for any number of realms from 1 to 6. Just draw as many cards per round as realms you're building. E.g. if you're building 3 realms, draw 3 cards per turn. You still discard 1 and play 1 into each of your realms as usual.


I actually originally tried this out with just 1 realm. It worked, but the decisions weren't very interesting, and only seeing 14 cards over the course of the game makes luck a heavy factor. The more realms you play, the more cards you'll see, but also the less control you'll have over future strategy since you're still only carrying the same number of cards over from round to round. I suspect 2 or 3 are likely the sweet spot.






Solo variant

By: Dana Olson-san 

BGG: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1835242/solo-variant




1) Remove the Protection Rune from the deck, and give it to Dummy, face-down.

1) デッキから保護のルーン(Protection Rune)を取り除き、ダミープレイヤーに裏向きにして渡します。
2) Optional: Remove the Doppelganger from the deck, and give it to Dummy, face-down. This should make the game more challenging.

2) 任意: デッキからドッペルゲンガー(Doppelganger)を取り除き、ダミープレイヤーに裏向きにして渡します。ゲームがより難しくなります。
3) Shuffle the rest of deck. Do not start with any cards in your hand.

3) 残りのデッキをシャッフルします。プレイヤーは手札なしで開始します。
4) Put one card in the discard.

4) カード1枚を捨てます。



1) Take your turn by picking up from the discard, or drawing from the deck. If you have 8 cards, discard one to the table.

1) プレイヤーのターンは、捨てたカードから1枚選ぶか、デッキから1枚引くかになります。手札が8枚になったら1枚捨ててください。
2) If there are cards with base strength 10+ in the discard area, Dummy takes the highest one. If there are none, draw a card. If the base strength is 10+, Dummy takes it. If not, discard it and draw a card, face-down, from the deck and give it to Dummy. Keep Dummy's cards face-down. You shouldn't really be paying much attention to what he gets.

2) 捨てたカードのエリアにベースの強さが10以上のカードがあれば、ダミープレイヤーが一番強いカードを取ります。もしなければ、カードを1枚引きます。それがベースの強さ10以上のカードである場合、ダミープレイヤーはそのカードを取ります。そうでなければ、そのカードを捨て、新たにカードをデッキから1枚引き、裏向きのままダミープレイヤーに渡します。ダミーのカードは裏向きのままにします。プレイヤーはダミーが手に入れたカードを把握しながらプレイしてはいけません。

3) Repeat until you have 7 cards in hand, and 10+ cards in the discard pile.

3) プレイヤーの手札が7枚、かつ捨てたカードのエリアにカードが10枚以上になるまで続けます。



1) Looking only at the strength of the cards Dummy took, keep the 7 highest cards, as well as the Protection Rune. Score all 8 cards normally (bonuses apply, but penalties do not, thanks to the Protection Rune).

1) ダミーが取ったカードの強さのみを見ます。強さが最も強いカード7枚と保護のルーン(Protection Rune)をキープします。8枚すべてのカードを通常通り計算します(ボーナスは適用されますが、保護のルーンによりペナルティーは無視します)。
2) Score your cards normally.
2) プレイヤーのカードの得点を通常通り計算します。

I've never made a solo variant before. I'm sure there's a better way to do it, but this is what I came up with in the 4-5 minutes I took to think about it. I tried it twice, and the scores were similar to my plays with real people. I won once, Dummy won once.

EDIT: extra words removed, and added some clarifying notes
編集: 余分な単語を削除し、明確な記述を追記しました
EDIT2: If you try this, let me know how it works. I was toying around with the idea of starting with a full hand of cards as well, but it may wind up being too easy to score higher than Dummy. I haven't had time to try yet.

編集2: このバリアントを遊んだら、ちゃんと遊べたかぜひ教えて下さい。手札がある状態から開始するアイデアもありましたが、ダミープレイヤーよりも簡単に高得点が取れてしまうかもしれません。ただまだ試していないのでわかりません。



